hey guys!
since the school holidays started, i've been going to BBDC for almost like everyday!
practicals after practicals. today's practical, 'S' and 'Crank' course was fun. corner maut pe! ehehe. while i was taking my bib number tag at the outside of the practical classroom, i bumped into the guy who always go for the same practical as me. i asked him, 'ehh kau lagi..' haha. he funny uhh. then blabla completed the course smoothly. all of us that took the subject passed. (yay!) then all the four of us planned to go for next subject, which is pillion riding & simulator together tomorrow. we then went to the booking terminal, wanna book for the 4pm session, but it's full, so we discussed and discussed. so we chose the 6.15pm session. gerek kepe. got members/kakis go prac together. such an impromptu decision to plan & go together. 4 person, good ah. 2 by 2 pillion. hahah. cannot wait for tomorrow! =p
and Ahmad Z passed his TP already, got license already, got bike already, RXZ! haha. siak, never tell me when you passed. -_- nvm nvm, next my turn! lol.
my RTT is on next monday. goshh, i'm so nervous. i don't wanna fail because the next RTT Retest date is like on 11 july! that is like so long. zzz.
okaylah, nothing more to talk about.
enjoy the video, i never get sick watching this advertisement from last time sia! funny shit!