since i'm waiting for my friend, Joel the fker to finish download Fifaonline 2, might as well blog ehh. woo, can play together with him later. ~
okayy hmm, let's start with school exams.
i think this semester's exams were easier sia. i think because i studied, lol.
i'm confident enough to get at least a B for each of the subjects. hehe.
now holidays, bored sia.
results will be out by 1st april! woo!
last saturday, went to GIANT Tampines with my younger brother. wanna stock up food ah. our budget is about $50+. we took the trolley, dumped canned food, frozen food, snacks, tidbits, chocolates etc etc until the trolley was almost full sia. then i asked my brother, 'eh, buy somemore sudahh'. we keep adding and adding stuffs into the trolley. then went to the cashier to pay. skali we saw the amount, $115. LOL. lucky i got my debit card. betol peh shopping spree tuuu. but it's fun and satisfying uhh. haha.
and yeah, happy belated 18th birthday Haikal! close friends since secondary school. (bile la aku nak 18 eh?)
things to do before school reopens on 13 april:
- get a haircut, (really!)
- alter my school pants.
- buy more and more plain t-shirts!
okaylahh, nothing more to update about.
i'll try to post more often now. :)
toodles. ~