i'm just bored at home. play computer games only.
oh well, yesterday morning when i was still sleeping soundly, chaqif texted me. he asked whether anyone wanna follow him, adib and nabil to penin later afternoon. they wanna survey soccer boots. i almost wanna go to sleep back without replying, haha. but i wanna go shopping for jeans. so i agreed to follow them lohh.
woke up again at 1. got ready blabla, trained to city hall. as always. i'm late. ekeke. supposed to meet at 2pm. i reached at 2.20pm. but still! adib! he's still at toa payoh. bloody janggut. -.- had smoke break first then go back to mrt station to meet adib. and when we're walking to the exit of the mrt, near the passenger control station, i saw one guy, familiar sia! i think it's akmal. it's been almost 2 years sia since we last met. LOL. he's so f'kin tall. i initially thought that it's some other guy. so heck care ah. just continue walking.
and inside penin, i saw another one familiar face. it's HAIKAL! ex-junyuan schoolmate. okay, this time, i 'tegur' him. lol. also, it's been awhile since i last met him. then, we walked walked surveyed surveyed shopped shopped eat eat at kfc. then we bored. nowhere to go. adib came up with an idea. shisha! and we replied, 'anything lohh'. trained down 1 station to bugis. blabla find a shishaing place. and ta-daaa. relaxed till 6pm there. after that, went home loh.
reached home. online msn. saw mal online. asked him whether issit him whom i saw at city hall just now. he said yes, and he didnt saw me. (am i so short? -.-) and he scolded me for not 'tegur-ing him'. hahah.
oh well. middle of december already..
2 more weeks, and it's 2009..
another whole year to suffer..
haha, played monopoly online. best siot!
okay, let's watch hitting on hannah covers/lip-sync akon's right now. lol. cheeseburger!
okay, take care people. :)