exactly 3 whole months since you left me, late mum.
ratu hatiku, my inspiration, my motivation, my everything is gone.
i don't have anymore vision, no more will to live.
i pity my father. everytime, during his off day, he would lie down at the sofa in the living room. keeping quiet/watch tv/day-dreaming or whatever. no more teasing/talking/discussing with my late mum. i dunnoe why my tears start to roll down my cheeks as i'm writing this.
money does not mean everything. i see people want so much money, for what sia?
my father keep telling me, if you need any money, just ask him. seriously, what else can i buy? i just want to lead a happy & simple life. i don't need all those branded goods.
on a brighter note, shahid is gonna treat me and my classmates to shisha tomorrow!
my ite mates, they're my happy pills. without them, i wouldn't even be here. hah.
can you believe this?
let's say, your ex-sec school classmate goes to the same ITE/Poly/JC as you. and when he sees you, he ignores you and pretends that he doesn't know/see you. that happens to me now. it's been 3 months since i last talked with this friend. haha. i don't mind. it's his choice.
you wanna be friends with me or not, then so be it. i'm not desperate. and i don't backstab friends you see. i don't forget friends.
anyway, finally, i've got myself a new phone. oh well, used phone. haha. motorola z3. $60 only. it's quite worth it. i'm gonna use it till nokia 5800's out. =)
okay, i got tagged by lilly. -__- haha.
The rules & regulations:
1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself
2) People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly
3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names
4) No tag back.
1) i hate wearing caps.
2) i like to talk crap.
3) i love biting my fingernails.
4) i would die without music.
5) i'm just, just, just weeeeird! =l
okay, that were the only things i can think of.
People Who Are Tagged
1) Hamie
2) Farah
3) Zainul
4) Aisyah
okay that's all. hah, you want to do or don't wanna do, i don't care. lol.

okayy, cya!