and dang cikgu umi lol.
belom habes 1 karangan, must do another one.
and i owe her 2 compos, 1 booklet hw & 1 workbook hw.
ahhhhh. just now during geography, mrs oh came into our class and teach again.
she's quite a funny, weird teacher/principal. laugh2 etc2. cool cool.
the rest of the periods are pretty boring.
after school, went for POA test. do a little bit, slept.
infront of my desk is mr tenn. dont careee.
from 2.50-3.30pm like that slept. woke up and i saw faris & zainul finishing.
bagus ah. dunnoe they do everything or not.
then, went home and ate. and now. i have nothing to do.
i'm supposed to study. but i'm lazy! haha.
god. bring me to reality. 2 weeks to prelims. omgay.
tomorrow is photo-taking day for our class! yay-ness! skip POA lesson!
and my class just got our class t-shirt yesterday.
and below are the pictures of my class t-shirt. nice or not? haha.